Etusivu Ajankohtaista Uutiset In the development discussion report of the Welfare at Work and Productivity from Knowledge -project, attention is paid to reducing haste and reforming the development discussion process In the development discussion report of the Welfare at Work and Productivity from Knowledge -project, attention is paid to reducing haste and reforming the development discussion process 13.4.2021 The Kainuu Association of Municipalities for Social and Health Care is running the Welfare at Work and Productivity from Knowledge -project from 1 February 2020 to 31 January 2023. The aim is to promote and support the wellbeing of Kainuu’s social and health care personnel at work and to reduce the pressures created by the operating environment. In addition, the goal is to develop knowledge management and productivity. As part of the project, MDI carried out a development discussion study commissioned by Kainuu’s Social and Health Care provider which examined the current state of development discussions and their possible alternatives. The aim of the study was to produce development targets and solution proposals for the renewal of development discussions. For the study, information was obtained from many different actors, such as Kainuu social and health care employees, supervisors and other hospital districts. According to the study, development discussions are very successful whenever they are held. Both employees and supervisors perceived development discussions to be generally positive or at least neutral. The atmosphere of the discussions was described as open, relaxed and confidential, among other things. From an organisational perspective, development discussions were found to be very useful and to generate a lot of development ideas. However, employees and supervisors both see the need to hurry as the biggest challenge. Due to the hectic nature of everyday life, there is often little or no time to hold development discussions and it is felt that the holding of such discussions is not given sufficient priority. In improving development discussions, attention should be paid to reducing urgency and reforming the development discussion process. The key proposal here is the wider introduction of group development discussions which generated positive experiences in other hospital districts. In Kainuu, however, this approach had not been tried extensively. Both employees and supervisors would also benefit from harmonising the rules and practices of development discussions. The form used in development discussions should be renewed or replaced with a development discussion questionnaire that everyone should always fill out before the discussion takes place. From the point of view of equality, it is important that all staff, both temporary and part-time, be involved in development discussions. Being genuinely heard increases wellbeing at work and motivation. Video of the results in Finnish More Information Minna Mayer 040 709 6898 Jaa hyvää Share to: facebook Share to: linkedin Share to: twitter
MDI:n tiimi vahvistui maahanmuutto-osaajalla Uutiset 8.10.2024 Lokakuussa MDI:n tiimi vahvistui maahanmuuttoon perehtyneellä asiantuntijalla, kun Laura Koivisto-Khazaal liittyi joukkoomme. Pyysimme Lauraa kertomaan hieman itsestään, tulevasta roolistaan MDI:llä ja maahanmuuton merkityksestä Suomen tulevaisuudelle. Lue lisää MDI:n tiimi vahvistui maahanmuutto-osaajalla
Kansallisen aluekehittämisen toimintamallin arviointi on julkaistu Uutiset 18.6.2024 MDI toteutti yhteistyössä alue- ja kuntatutkimuskeskus Spatian kanssa aluekehittämisen toimintamallin arvioinnin kesäkuun 2023 ja toukokuun 2024 välisenä aikana. Arvioinnin tavoitteena oli tuottaa ja analysoida aluekehittämisen toimintamallia koskevaa tietoa eduskunnan selontekoa sekä toimintamallin kehittämistä varten. Lue lisää Kansallisen aluekehittämisen toimintamallin arviointi on julkaistu
MDI kulttuurityön tukena Turussa ja Salossa Uutiset 29.4.2024 Kirsi Siltanen Samuli Manu Kulttuurin kentällä tuulee tällä hetkellä yhtä aikaa etelästä ja pohjoisesta. Kulttuurin rahoituksen leikkaukset ovat iskeneet jo kovan loven monen kunnan kulttuurielämään, ja kansallinenkin rahoitusnäkymä on synkänpuoleinen. Samaan aikaan ruohonjuuritasolla on kuitenkin tunnettavissa myös etelätuulten lämpöä. Lue lisää MDI kulttuurityön tukena Turussa ja Salossa