Book on Finnish urban policy

“Kaupunkipolitiikan uusi aika” is a seminal book on Finnish urban policy that puts the ongoing urbanisation debate in historical perspective and provides insights for regional developers of the 2020s. What are the opportunities and ways for the central government and cities to chart their future? And what is the role of urbanites? Is the scope of initiatives that aim to develop the urbanized parts of Finland limited to ones that target only urban areas? The book explores the challenges and opportunities of promoting urban vitality from the conventional urban policy perspectives: cities as drivers of economic growth, housing policies to meet population growth, land use and transport solutions, and the prevention of exclusion and segregation. At the same time, the role of the civil society is brought into the debate. Finally, the book characterizes the nature of urban policy in the 2020s in the face of climate change and other increasingly complex challenges. Published by Rakennustiedo and edited by Eero Holstila and Timo Hämäläinen, the book brings together MDI’s experts in urban policy and regional development.