Valtteri Laasonen

Over the years I have described regional development, developed MDI’s data services and worked with reports, studies and evaluations related to regional development and industrial and innovation policy. I have a PhD in Regional Science and a master's degree in Planning Geography. In my doctoral thesis I examined Finnish innovation policy, the reformation capacity of regions and organisations and network-like innovation in Finland’s urban regions. I have worked at MDI since 2010 as a specialist and later as a leading expert.


Laasonen, V. (2023). Alueiden kyky uudistua: Kyvykkyydet siirtymässä kohti osaamis- ja innovaatiovetoista biotaloutta. Tampereen yliopiston väitöskirjat 797. PunaMusta Oy, Joensuu 2023.

Scientific books

Sotarauta, M., Kolehmainen, J. & V. Laasonen (2023). Evolving Innovation Policy Rationales in Finland in (Eds.) Pekkola, E., Johanson, J-E. & M. Mykkänen, Public Administration in Finland. Nordic Public Space and Agency. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kolehmainen, J., Sotarauta, M., & V. Laasonen (2022). The development of Innovation Policy in Finland. In (Eds.) A. J., A-A. Kork, K. Kurkela, U. Leponiemi, H. Paananen, L-M. Sinervo, & S. Tuurnas, The Future of Government Research (pp. 341-364). Vastapaino.

Kolehmainen, J., Sotarauta, M., Laasonen, V. Innovaatiopolitiikan kehitys Suomessa. Teoksessa Anni Jäntti ym. (toim.) 2022. Hallinnon tutkimuksen tulevaisuus. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Peer-reviewed scientific articles

Laasonen, V. (2023). Building Dynamic Capabilities in the Transition Toward a Knowledge-Based Bioeconomy: A Case Study of Three Finnish Regions. Regional Studies.

Laasonen, V. (2023). Exposing the role of relational capabilities in business–research–government cooperation: examples from the transition towards a bioeconomy in Finland, European Planning Studies, 31:6, 1226-1246, DOI:10.1080/09654313.2022.2112152

Jääskeläinen, A., Sillanpää, V., Helander, N., Leskelä, R.-L., Haavisto, I., Laasonen, V. and Torkki, P. (2022). Designing a maturity model for analyzing information and knowledge management in the public sector, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 52 No. 1, pp. 120-140. DOI: 10.1108/VJIKMS-01-2020-0017

Lähteenmäki-Smith, K., Laasonen, V., Mayer, M., Nyman J. & S. Pyykkönen (2020). Kokeilujen ohjaus ja oppiminen: paikallis- ja aluetason kokeilut metahallinnan viitekehyksessä. Focus Localis 48:4.

Laasonen V., Kolehmainen, J. & M. Sotarauta (2020). The Complexity of Contemporary Innovation Policy and Its Governance in Finland. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research.

Laasonen V. & J. Kolehmainen (2017) Capabilities in knowledge-based regional development – towards a dynamic framework, European Planning Studies, 25:10, 1673-1692, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2017.1337727

My References

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