
Evaluation has been a key part of our expertise since the beginning of the company. Our strength is an evaluation approach aimed at developing operations, in which we seek fact-based grounds and new ideas for development work.

Our role in evaluation is to be an external expert who produces objective information about the subject of the evaluation.

We evaluate the activities and impacts of projects, programmes and organisations. We carry out proactive impact assessments as well as sparring and developmental ex-ante, mid-term and ex-post evaluations.

Proactive impact assessment

Proactive impact assessment provides real-time information on the longer-term impacts of our development work and helps to support such impacts. Underlying the proactive impact assessment approach is the growing need to identify the effects of actions in advance and to communicate them in a comprehensible fashion to decision-makers. The methods of proactive impact assessment are used to identify the effects of operations in advance. The aim here is to support the emergence of the desired effects by identifying the pathways leading to the desired goals.

Proactive impact assessment is a form of developmental assessment and is suitable as a tool for programme and project management as well as for organisational learning and operational development.

Evaluation is not just an analysis of results and impacts, but an important method and tool
for action management.

Mikko Valtakari, leading expert

Examples of our evaluations

We have evaluation experience in

  • EU programmes
  • various national development programmes
  • provincial programmes
  • development projects
  • individual projects as well as organisations and their activities

Examples of our areas of expertise include

  • employment and economic policy
  • innovation systems and innovation policy
  • urban and rural policy
  • impact assessments and the development of evaluation methods

Evaluation methods

In evaluations, we use appropriate and task-appropriate methods which may include, for example,

  • thorough document analysis
  • statistical analyses
  • spatial data analyses
  • modelling the dynamics of the effects of the action
  • evaluation models based on modelling
  • measurements of the effects of the effects on the model

We develop evaluation methods together with our partners.

In evaluations, we collect the necessary amount of new data to form a sufficient overall picture of the subject of the evaluation. Typical data collection methods include a combination of extensive statistical data, electronic surveys and map-based surveys, as well as themed and open individual and group interviews. In addition, we use various evaluation or sparring workshops to formulate proposals for action, in which a common interpretation of the object of the evaluation can be deepened.

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