Expert assistance to support the preparation of the national regional development decision

The regional development decision (the ALKE decision) guides both the development of the regions’ various administrative branches and provincial associations and the coordination of measures. The regional development decision is prepared by the Ministry of Labour and the Economy in cooperation with other ministries, regional associations and other parties central to regional development. The regional development decision will be prepared by the end of the first year of the government term. The regional development decision includes, at minimum, the development goals and their more detailed description, guidelines for the implementation of the goals in different administrative sectors, an estimate of the resources directed to the development and the qualitative and quantitative monitoring data used to measure the implementation of the measures and regional development effects. 


The regional development advisory board (AUNE) guides the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the regional development decision. MDI provides expert assistance to support the preparation of the ALKE decision. The expert help for the regional development decision consists of facilitating the workshop work, documentation tasks, implementing the survey, developing monitoring systems and creating a visual look.