Impact, Customer Orientation and Cost-effectiveness in Regional Administration Reform – the Future of Regional Development System and the Services of ELY Centres and TE Offices

MDI, Tempo Economics Ltd and Melkior Ltd conducted a study that generates new knowledge of expected outcomes and impact of regional administration reform. By focusing on the future of regional development system and the services and tasks of ELY Centres and TE Offices, the project has two objectives and research questions. The first objective was to recognise the critical success factors in ELY centres and TE Offices and analyse how these success factors can be guaranteed in the reform. The second objective was to scrutinise how the regional administration reform affects the organisation of regional development system and map options for renewal of the system. The project was part of the implementation of the Government Plan for Analysis, Assessment and Research for 2016 and was coordinated by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.
Final report (in Finnish, Summary in English):
