The Municipal Card won the 2022 Datamenestyjät competition

The Municipal Card prepared by MDI and Robonomist Oy won Statistics Finland’s Datamenestyjät competition. The Municipal Card was applauded for its clear and logical structure and for its usability.

Datamenestyjät-kilpailun voittaja julistetaan.

The Municipal Card won the competition with a careful selection of indicators and a high-quality and elegant presentation of the results. The jury described the content of the Municipal Card as a clear and logical entity, where valid choices have been made, however, in such a way that the versatile information content is preserved.

The jury thanked the finalists for bringing information to the place where decisions are made. In all the final entries, the need for information arose specifically from the grassroots level, meaning that they fulfil the genuine need for information. This year’s work emphasised municipal and regional information.

Antti Jäppinen and Juha Itkonen from Robonomist Oy and Satu Tolonen and Janne Antikainen from MDI were present to receive the award.

Thanks to Statistics Finland for organising the competition. Such competitions encourage us to continue to develop

Janne Antikainen, Development Director, MDI

The Municipal Card – Data Winner of the Year – gives a snapshot of the regional development of the municipalities

The Municipal Card offered by MDI and Robonomist Oy collects, visualises and automatically updates key municipal development indicators from various sources, such as:

  • population
  • attraction
  • employment
  • education and wellbeing
  • business activity
  • regional and municipal economy

Using a Municipal Card saves experts time and helps them make decisions based on real-time information.

In addition to the Municipal Card, there were three other competitors in the final

Finaalissa MDI:n ja Robonomist Oy:n kanssa olivat Itsenäisyyden juhlavuoden lastensäätiön Itlan Itlasto-palvelu, joka kokoaa kansallista, pitkittäistä seurantatietoa lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnista sekä Hämeen liiton ylläpitämä Kanta-Hämeen elinvoimakatsaus, joka kerää yhteen alueen kuntien elinvoimaa mittaavia tilastoja.

In the final alongside MDI and Robonomist were the Itla Children’s Foundation’s Itlasto service, which gathers national, long-term follow-up data on the wellbeing of children and young people, and the Kanta-Häme Vitality Review, maintained by the Häme Regional Council which collects statistics measuring the vitality of the region’s municipalities.

The jury consisted of experts in data use and visualisation representing different organisations: In addition to Mikko Lindholm from Statistics Finland, the jury also included Laura Sutinen from Bearing Point, Heidi Enho from Corellia Helsinki, Iiris Lahti from AI Roots, Esa Mäkinen from Helsingin Sanomat and Kimmo Vehkalahti from the University of Helsinki.

The competition is organised by Statistics Finland and BearingPoint, the purpose of which is to promote information utilisation and data literacy and to support the conditions for fact-based decision-making in society. This year, 16 works participated in the competition.

Read more (available in Finnish)

Datamenestyjät -kilpailu
