Survey of Lapland’s housing market – survey and development plan on the current state of housing and housing production and development opportunities in Lapland

The survey mapped and analysised information focus on construction, as well as land policy programmes and means. The work was tasked with investigating the attractiveness factors of residential areas in the study municipalities and collecting and collating the views of residents and real estate agents on the most attractive residential areas and types of apartments, by means of an electronic survey. Information on the volume and distribution of housing supply and construction as well as information on the sale of old housing was compiled as background information. In addition, innovative housing solutions in the area were also mapped. During the work, resident profiles, migration, the importance of multi-location housing and knowledge work in housing production were defined, while the business and service sector’s view of their employees’ housing needs was also clarified. The work also explored the boundary conditions related to housing finance and identified key regulations related to housing and their changes. The work included material analysis and telephone interviews. A total of three workshops were organised. The output was reproduced in the form of municipality-specific information cards.