Analysis of the housing market, population and employment trends and assessment of future housing production needs in Vaasa

The main objective of this study was to provide information to support housing development in the city of Vaasa. The study investigated and analysed the development of the housing market in Vaasa, as well as the trends in terms of population and employment. In addition, it also assessed future needs in respect of housing production. The study took into account local characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. The ultimate aim of the study was to support the Giga-Vaasa project, the implementation programme for land use, the city’s housing and land policy as well as overall city development. 

The study consisted of three sections:
1. A housing market analysis
2. An analysis of population and employment trends
3. An assessment of housing production needs 

In this project MDI collaborated with the city research TA. In addition, experts in urban planning from FCG were helping in the study.