Front page Chris Smith Chris Smith Lead Advisor M.Phil Strategic Studies 040 7577573 Health Welfare Europe and EU Futures Public policy NPM SGI LinkedIn I am a political scientist by training and I have worked in the University sector and in consulting for many years. At MDI my time is spit between working for the communications team ‘adding a final polish’ to the company’s extensive English language output and working on some English language projects in the fields of welfare and culture. I am currently studying for my Doctorate in Administrative Science at the University of Tampere, writing a thesis on Comparative Health Service Reform. Penalty to Rangers! Christopher J Smith and Alexander Dubois (2010), The ‘Wild Cards’ of European Futures: Planning for discontinuities? Futures Vol.42(8) pp846-855. Christopher J. Smith and Daniel Rauhut (2015), ‘Stealthy, covert and uninvited? Commission ‘activism’ in the implementation convergence of Social Services of General Interest in the EU’ Croatian and Comparative Public Administration Vol. (3). Luciane Borges, Alois Humer and Christopher J. Smith (2015), ‘Europe’s possible SGI futures: territorial settings and potential policy paths’ in H Fassman, D Rauhut, E Marques da Costa and A Humer (eds), Services of General Interest and Territorial Cohesion: European Perspectives and National Insights. Vienna: University of Vienna Press. Christopher J Smith and Daniel Rauhut (2019), ‘Still ‘skiing their own race’ on NPM implementation? Patient choice and policy change in the Finnish and Swedish healthcare systems’ International Review of Administrative Sciences Vol 85(1) Latest Articles Title Social sustainability, SDG implementation and Finnish child poverty: What role for the new wellbeing counties? Blog 17.4.2023 Chris Smith What role will the new wellbeing counties play in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation? Does the creation of this new meso-level of governance represent a re-centralisation of responsibilities or a further fragmentation of effort in terms of Finland’s SDG response? Read more Social sustainability, SDG implementation and Finnish child poverty: What role for the new wellbeing counties? My References Term List All Aged Agriculture and forestry Archipelago Building Circular economy Cities Climate Communication Companies Culture Digitalisation Education policy Employment Entrepreneurship Environment Equality and non-discrimination EU Funds Governance Growth Immigration Impact Industries Knowledge Knowledge management Land use, Housing and Transport Leader Municipalities Networks Participation Population and migration Programme Provinces RDI Regional development Rural Smart specialisation Social and Health care Strategy Tourism Vitality Wellbeing Young Study on Access to Essential Services: Evidence from EU Member States Digitalisation Employment Governance Social and Health care Wellbeing Date: 1.3. –31.7.2022 Check out the reference Study on Access to Essential Services: Evidence from EU Member States The application for European Capital of Culture (ECoC) for the city of Oulu Cities Culture Participation Regional development Vitality Date: 1.10.2020 –31.3.2021 Check out the reference The application for European Capital of Culture (ECoC) for the city of Oulu Oulu Urban Innovation Action Application Cities Date: 18.11. –12.12.2019 Check out the reference Oulu Urban Innovation Action Application Load More
Social sustainability, SDG implementation and Finnish child poverty: What role for the new wellbeing counties? Blog 17.4.2023 Chris Smith What role will the new wellbeing counties play in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation? Does the creation of this new meso-level of governance represent a re-centralisation of responsibilities or a further fragmentation of effort in terms of Finland’s SDG response? Read more Social sustainability, SDG implementation and Finnish child poverty: What role for the new wellbeing counties?
Study on Access to Essential Services: Evidence from EU Member States Digitalisation Employment Governance Social and Health care Wellbeing Date: 1.3. –31.7.2022 Check out the reference Study on Access to Essential Services: Evidence from EU Member States
The application for European Capital of Culture (ECoC) for the city of Oulu Cities Culture Participation Regional development Vitality Date: 1.10.2020 –31.3.2021 Check out the reference The application for European Capital of Culture (ECoC) for the city of Oulu
Oulu Urban Innovation Action Application Cities Date: 18.11. –12.12.2019 Check out the reference Oulu Urban Innovation Action Application