The future of archipelago

Finnish archipelago policy turned 70 years in June and the Island Committee SANK celebrated its 60th anniversary at the archipelago seminar in Turku in the beginning of June. MDI congratulates the archipelago developers with long and distinguished careers – especially “Mr. Archipelago” Jorma Leppänen, who retires this year, but hopefully continues as an archipelagist in the future. At Turku seminar, MDI contemplated the future of arhipelago development.

Development frameworks look promising. The Commission’s proposal for Finland is favorable – the overall financing is growing and the financing of sparsely housing continues to be part of the criterion of money supply. There is great potential in tourism, but the archipelago is not about volumes but about quality and functionality.

As Finland seeks out its archipelago specialties, it encourages partners to apply from Sweden and, more widely, from Scandinavia and Scotland. Archipelago laws are changing in an interesting way- and inspired by Finland – not only in Scotland, but also in Croatia, where power is distributed to the islands. The basic tone of discussion is changing from a conservative policy towards an island development policy. MDI’s report on European archipelago and water system policy will be completed in early autumn.