Developing Kotka’s 2030 City Strategy and scenario work

The city of Kotka’s current Kotka 2030 city strategy was updated and approved in the spring of 2022. The goal of this work is to draw up a city strategy for the city with clear strategic choices, related sets of measures, a clear set of indicators and a monitoring system. The strategy process is implemented in a participatory manner with the final product being a visual, concise and understandable city strategy. A scenario analysis detailing alternative future development images for Kotka is also being prepared in the context of the city strategy.
The strategy process has five overlapping work phases:
1) Work management and planning
2) Current state analysis
3) Participatory drafting of scenarios
4) Participatory working on the contents of the strategy
5) Formulation of the strategy (includes the creation of a dashboard and monitoring system)
The work is undertaken in cooperation with Turku City Data (TCD) and Eeva Vilkkumaa Oy. The population forecasting service is used and developed with TCD, while the scenarios are developed in cooperation with Eeva Vilkkumaa.