Municipal guide for the promotion of timber construction

The municipalities play a significant role in mitigating climate change. They act as pioneers and trendsetters, primarily because climate policy decisions are generally taken at the municipal level. Many municipalities have announced goals that are tougher than those mandated at the national level.

Facilitating more timber construction is one way to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from construction thus aiding the move towards the set climate goals. In addition, the promotion of wooden construction has economic, social and cultural effects on the region. Timber construction supports the domestic and local economy, as it creates jobs and increases the demand for wood. Wooden construction also promotes well-being, creates a pleasant atmosphere and brings image benefits to the municipalities that promote it.

The municipal strategy and the guidelines in it chart the future direction of the municipality. The strategy creates the basis for a common approach while the guidelines provide support for decision-making. Incorporating the promotion of timber construction into the municipal strategy provides the strongest possible mandate to promote the theme across the various departments of the municipality.

There are good examples of records of the promotion of timber construction in Finland. That’s why it’s worth using what’s already available, and not creating something new from scratch. However, each municipality must find its own approach to the theme.

The guide for the promotion of timber construction for municipalities has been developed on the basis of extensive documentary material. The work has reviewed the strategies and programs of municipalities of different sizes from the point of view of promoting wood construction, and interviewed representatives of pioneer municipalities. From the guide, municipal politicians and civil servants gain insights into how increasing the use of wood in construction can be brought into the municipal strategy.