Preparation of the 2013-2017 Exit Plan for the Housing Development Programme for the Elderly

In order to ensure the continuity of the development work initiated by the housing development programme for the elderly, MDI carried out the implementation process of the programme’s future plan and the preparation of the plan. The goal of the plan was to promote the widespread dissemination and implementation of the programme’s results, to ensure the continuity of operations and development work, to ensure the improvement of awareness about preparing for the development needs of elderly housing and habitats and to update the development programme’s vision 2030. The process was launched in the spring of 2017, the programme’s last operational year, with a wide range of actors and stakeholders involved in the programme participating in it. The future plan was drawn up in cooperation with these stakeholders. The future plan contains the most important themes, the continuity of which must be ensured, as well as the measures necessary to ensure continuity and the parties responsible for them.