Helsinki Symposium

The City of Helsinki invited 300 key players to City Hall to discuss urban development, urban research and topical issues in urban policy. The ideas were put into motion by Mayor Vapaavuori, who stressed in his opening address the importance of knowledge and facts in urban development and in urban policy. Timo Aro, an urban expert at MDI, continued in this theme with his five theses on urban flourishing. Associate Professor Kjell A. Nordström claimed that the future of the world will be solved by 600 cities, not 200 nation states. In the panel section of the symposium, chaired by Anni Sinnemäki, topical urban policy issues were further discussed. MDI assisted the City of Helsinki in the planning, implemention and reporting of this occasion. In terms of the initialisation and flow of the event, MDI produced video inserts in collaboration with Creamframe. The event received a lot of positive feedback – the debate was again taking its rightful place. Materials for the event can be found here:, Direct link to introvideo on MDI’s YouTube channel: (available in Finnish)
