Competence-mapping in Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia

In the area of the Ostrobothnian ELY Centre, employment development has been good throughout the 2010s. At the end of the decade in particular, the employment rate rose significantly and was among the most positive in the country. This can be seen in terms of the companies located in the area and their concerns over continuing skilled labour shortages. The Ostrobothnian Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment wants to discover what kinds of skills requirements are demanded by the region’s companies and what kinds of actions local companies have undertaken to ensure the continued availability of skilled labour. MDI will carry out a survey for the ELY Centre, conducting an electronic survey of companies on skills needs, interviewing a number of key personnel from the two provinces, implementing a statistical workforce forecast based on a population forecast for 2030 and holding an intensive workshop to define development measures. The work will be carried out in the autumn of 2020.
