Front page News News Vision work develops Malmi as the centre of north-east Helsinki Vision work develops Malmi as the centre of north-east Helsinki 13.2.2020 MDI, together with the ‘New City collective‘, drafted a scenario and produced vision work on the development of the Malmi area for the City of Helsinki. The basis for this work is the need to develop Malmi as the new centre of northeast Helsinki. Malmi’s commercial services are concentrated in shopping centres, but the area is expected to develop into a stronger central area able to compete in terms of commercial attraction. At present, the public image of the Malmi station area is negative and, according to a citizen survey, is perceived as unattractive and even unsafe. In addition, for example, walking conditions are perceived to be moderately poor due to the cumbersome block structure and furthermore, the rail line divides Malmi functionally into Upper and Lower Malm. The station area therefore needs significant renovation and development. With the construction of the new housing development in the former Malmi Airport area, the Malmi station area will also be developed as one of the city’s priority areas. The Malmi station area is also intended to serve as a hub for new residents in the former airport area. MDI’s scenario analysis described how the Malmi station area and the former airport area could functionally grow together outlining the measures required. MDI’s analysis also shows how the position of the Malmi station area as a north-eastern centre requires strong growth in the former Malmi Airport area and calculates the demand for services generated by its new population. Similarly, the development of the airport area into a public transport-focused area, as desired by the city, requires an increase in the image of the station area, including major refurbishment and the clarification of the block structures and routes. Malmi’s traditional village image, promoting its historical character and strong immigrant entrepreneurship, can be utilised in the development and branding of the area. The key challenge is how the airport and station areas will grow, not only structurally and functionally, but also ‘spiritually’ into one Malmi area. Based on MDI’s analysis, the New City Collective drew up three vision plans for the development of the Malmi station area. Share to Share to: facebook Share to: linkedin Share to: twitter
Station areas are organic and locally driven entities News 30.11.2023 Experts from MDI and FCG have been exploring models for the development of station areas, op-portunities for EU funding and ways to projectise the development work of different types of station areas during the autumn. Read more Station areas are organic and locally driven entities
Multi-functional development of station areas News 28.11.2023 In the early autumn period, MDI and FCG worked on the development of the Asemanseutu project which is part of the project package – Vitality for Urban Regions. The work undertaken clarified the basic models for the multi-functional development of station areas, as well as providing recommendations for their development and financing. Read more Multi-functional development of station areas
Addressing the Gender and Diversity Paradoxes in Innovation — Towards a More Inclusive Policy Design News 5.4.2023 Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith Kirsi Siltanen Laura Väliniemi Implicit norms and structural disadvantages derive from previous innovation policies and therefore policies need to be redesigned. Read more Addressing the Gender and Diversity Paradoxes in Innovation — Towards a More Inclusive Policy Design