Front page Participatory workshops on Salo’s strategy and support for strategy preparation Participatory workshops on Salo’s strategy and support for strategy preparation Date: 16.5. –31.8.2022 Strategies and programmes Workshops, webinars, lectures, camps In May-June 2022, MDI facilitated six participatory workshops related to Salo’s strategy and participated in the further refinement of the strategy in August with the chairmen of political groups and the council in August. Three of the workshops were for residents in different parts of Salo, one for sports clubs and cultural actors, one for entrepreneurial associations, the youth chamber of commerce and the chamber of commerce and one for advocacy organisations. The workshops discussed the strategy and worked on it together using the platform. The participants also had the opportunity afterwards to add their thoughts to the platform. MDI sparred with the city of Salo in refining the strategy both after the workshops and after the chairman’s council and council seminar event organised in August. Keywords: Cities Growth Strategy Vitality Wellbeing
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