Front page Functional regions and growth zones Functional regions and growth zones Date: 1.3.2016 –28.2.2017 Research, studies MDI and Finnish Environment Institute will analyse Finland´s functional areas and growth corridors in ToKaSu project, which has begun in April. The project is one of the joint government research projects, which generate information that support decision-making. The goals of the projects are to identify functional areas and growth corridors and to analyse the current state and development of these regions, find out what kind of factors affect the location decisions of business and people´s decisions on where to live. In addition, the study will include recommendations for supporting the development of functional areas and growth corridors. In spring, the research team will concentrate on the general description of development, identification of the functional areas and growth corridors and international case studies. The ToKaSu project lasts until February 2017 but the intermediate findings will be communicated and discussed already during the project.