Osmo Soininvaara joins MDI advisor team

MDI’s strong group of advisors grows as Osmo Soininvaara joins the team. He will strengthen especially the urban policy know-how in MDI. Osmo has together with Mikko Särelä published a pamphlet on urban policy, “Triumph of the Cities” (only in Finnish, Kaupunkien Voitto). Osmo and Mikko have nailed six theses on urban development. They say that the municipality should receive funding for the land transfer and planning fees and the construction of expensive standards should be dismantled. In addition, the property tax should make way for cities to finance improvements to residential areas, land policy and right to levy taxes should be transferred to the metropolitan government, and the role of the state investments in transportation should be reduced. Helsinki-Hämeenlinna-Tampere growth corridor should be strengthened by regional train traffic and planning cooperation. Furthermore, legislation should be differentiated regionally e.g. in licensed businesses. Discussion on urbanization has once again received a good boost.


Osmo Soininvaara & Mikko Särelä. Kaupunkien voitto. Kuusi keinoa vapauttaa kaupunkien kasvu. EVA Pamfletti 1/2015. Next Print Oy, Helsinki. (in Finnish)