MDI evaluates the operations of KEINO and supports the preparation of a new operating model

KEINO is a network-based Competence centre for sustainable and innovative public procurement funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. Its main operational objectives are to help and support public procurers in the implementation and development of sustainable and innovative public procurements. The evaluation produces information and an overall picture of the effectiveness and impact of the KEINO Competence centre’s operations for the development of operations and operating models.

Work is undertaken in three areas: 1) Evaluation of the operation of the KEINO competence centre, 2) Preparation of a framework for assessing the impact of KEINO’s operations and 3) Support for the preparation of the KEINO 2.0 operating model. The evaluation will be carried out by means of an interactive and developing approach. This means that KEINO’s stakeholders will be deeply involved and utilised in the work. In addition, the work takes into account the international trends underlying sustainable innovative public procurement. The evaluation also includes interviews and a survey.

The work applies a proactive impact assessment. The aim is to support the creation of the desired effects by identifying the paths leading to the desired goals. A framework of proactive impact assessment is necessary for better monitoring of the effectiveness and efficiency of KEINO’s operations and for reviewing indicators. The results of the evaluation and relevant international practices are taken into account in the preparation of the KEINO 2.0 operating model. The work also includes a webinar which reviews the main results of the evaluation and the recommendations given in support of the KEINO 2.0 operating model. Industryhack Oy participates in the work as a subcontractor for MDI.