MDI analysed the effectiveness of Ylä-Savo Veturi’s programme period 2014–2020 – The unifying factor was the diversity of influences

MDI carried out an impact study by order of the development company Ylä-Savo Veturi ry. In the study, the results, effects and effectiveness of the projects that received a decision during the programming period 2014–2020, were investigated along with their significance for the region’s vitality. In addition, the study examined the factors and mechanisms affecting successful implementation, as well as the importance of the projects in terms of the applicants’ own activities.

A boy and a man are looking at the silhouette of a forest.

The projects have produced many positive effects

In the programming period 2014–2020, Ylä-Savo Veturi has granted approximately 4 million euros in funding. Funding has been granted in the form of business subsidies for business development projects and various development projects. The region’s municipalities and associations have been significant implementers of development projects.

The effects of the development projects, business subsidies, business group projects and theme projects examined in the study were connected by their diversity. The development projects in particular have improved village services through the development of various structures and operations models. In addition, the development projects have influenced the communities and participation in the region, promoted the region’s attractiveness and improved leisure and hobby opportunities. The effects of business subsidies, on the other hand, have focused on the development of functions and processes and the strengthening of competence. The achievement indicator in respect of business subsidies also shows a positive development in both the turnover and the economic performance of the companies that received support. The effects of company group projects, on the other hand, have mainly been focused on the development of expertise, increased cooperation and marketing. In turn, the theme projects have helped the practical operation of the associations, promoted the development and introduction of new ways of acting and helped in the development of new activities.

The importance of Ylä-Savo Veturi and financing is essential for the region

Ylä-Savon Veturi has played a key role in the development of the rural areas of Ylä-Savo, specifically as a diverse low-threshold financier. Ylä-Savon Veturi is well known in the local area and has developed good networks with municipalities, companies and communities. Veturi also plays an important role as a creator of partnerships and a development partner.

The received support has also undoubtedly been of great importance to its recipients. Without this funding, many actions would have remained unfulfilled, while development activities would have to have been carried out over a longer period of time, more narrowly and with more modest goals. Also, from the point of view of the project implementers, the time and money spent on the projects is generally deemed to be appropriate.

Diverse materials were used in the evaluation

The evaluation used document-based materials, monitoring data and interview and survey materials, as well as material gathered as a result of a workshop held for the board of Ylä-Savon Veturi. To deepen the document and indicator analysis, 15 focused interviews were also conducted. The interviewees included persons who represented a broader regional view and project implementers. The project implementers represented the local municipalities, associations and companies. In order to gain a broader view, four surveys were also conducted in the context of the study. These surveys were aimed at the  implementers of the development projects, implementers of the sub-measures in the theme projects, implementers of business support projects and participants in the business group projects.


The impact study of Leader Ylä-Savon Veturi (in Finnish):

An infographic about the results (in Finnish): 

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