Kunteko-programme has given impetus to municipal development work

MDI has evaluated the Kunteko 2020 programme, the aim of which has been to promote the productivity, efficiency and quality of working life and services in municipal work. According to the evaluation, the Kunteko programme has been an important player in the development of municipal working life in recent years, supporting and supplementing the development work carried out in the municipalities during its implementation period.

The programme has improved development expertise, launched collaborative development work, supported and improved the effectiveness of development work, increased municipalities’ awareness of good development practices and solutions and promoted the commitment to joint development of the social partners. These issues have been particularly successful in relation to the limited resources of the programme.

The evaluation also produced recommendations for the future. The recommendations were related to e.g. strengthening the commitment of municipal management and staff in the development of working life, utilising the lessons of the Kunteko programme in the future, drawing up a common vision and goals for the social partners in the future and promoting networking.

The Kunteko programme ran throughout the period 2015–2020  and was implemented in cooperation between the KT Municipal Employers, the Public Sector Consultative Organisation JUKO, the Social and Health Sector Consultative Organisation Sote RY and the Public Sector Union. The external final evaluation of the programme was commissioned by KT Municipal Employers and was completed in November 2020.


The report