Front page News News Kanta-Häme Central Hospital has significant effects on the vitality of the area Kanta-Häme Central Hospital has significant effects on the vitality of the area 23.6.2020 MDI analysed and formed a comprehensive picture of the internal and external vitality effects of Kanta-Häme Central Hospital in its area of influence. According to the analysis, the effects are significant. For example, the annual salary of central hospital staff is about 74 million euros, of which four-fifths remain in the province. In addition, the central hospital spends about EUR 80 million a year on the purchase of services, of which about a quarter remains in the province. The internal vitality effects are described using key figures related to the personnel of Kanta-Häme Central Hospital and the purchase of services. The indicators related to internal vitality are based on the hospital’s own data, analysed by MDI. External vitality effects were described using indicators related to the vitality of the municipalities in the area. In terms of external vitality, the municipalities of Kanta-Häme are ranked among the 294 municipalities in mainland Finland, mainly in the top 20%-40%. Thirteen key variables were selected for the analysis, through which both the position of Kanta-Häme in relation to other provinces and the position of the municipalities of Kanta-Häme in relation to each other were examined. The analysis includes a wealth of other indicators related to internal and external vitality. The work was completed in June 2020 and serves knowledge management and decision making. Material Report Share to Share to: facebook Share to: linkedin Share to: twitter
Station areas are organic and locally driven entities News 30.11.2023 Experts from MDI and FCG have been exploring models for the development of station areas, op-portunities for EU funding and ways to projectise the development work of different types of station areas during the autumn. Read more Station areas are organic and locally driven entities
Multi-functional development of station areas News 28.11.2023 In the early autumn period, MDI and FCG worked on the development of the Asemanseutu project which is part of the project package – Vitality for Urban Regions. The work undertaken clarified the basic models for the multi-functional development of station areas, as well as providing recommendations for their development and financing. Read more Multi-functional development of station areas
Addressing the Gender and Diversity Paradoxes in Innovation — Towards a More Inclusive Policy Design News 5.4.2023 Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith Kirsi Siltanen Laura Väliniemi Implicit norms and structural disadvantages derive from previous innovation policies and therefore policies need to be redesigned. Read more Addressing the Gender and Diversity Paradoxes in Innovation — Towards a More Inclusive Policy Design