Häme Region Less Attractive, Stronger Growth Policy Needed

MDI carried out a migration report of Kanta-Häme for the Regional Council of Häme. According to the report Kanta-Häme is an attractive ja secure residence, close to nature and with great location. The attraction has, however, faded during the past 2–3 years due to decrease in jobs and migration towards core cities in Helsinki Metropolitan area, not to surrounding regions like Häme. Häme is a ‘migration pump’ from south to north: for example Hämeenlinna region received the largest migration gain from Helsinki region (an hour south from Hämeenlinna) but it suffered migration loss most to Tampere region (an hour north from Hämeenlinna). Living close to nature, diverse supply of jobs, location and accessibility are important to Kanta-Häme region. Client in the project was the Regional Council of Häme. MDI Regional Policy Advisor Timo Aro participated in the analysis, and 601 persons were interviewed by Innolink Research Ltd. The report can be found in Finnish here.