A new study examines the support of young people’s work life-oriented transitions in services

During spring 2022, MDI carried out a study for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on supporting young people’s work life-oriented transitions in services. The research produces information to be utilised in the promotion of multidisciplinary services and service integration for young people and in the development of the national service system.

The research sought answers in particular to the following questions:

  • How are people as a physical-psychological-social entity taken into account in work life-oriented services and multidisciplinary service models aimed at young people, and how is this reflected in service need assessments and the implementation of services?
  • How is multidisciplinarity promoted and supported in the implementation of services, and how is multidisciplinarity reflected in the work culture?
  • What kinds of structural, profession-related or other obstacles should be removed so that a multidisciplinary approach to work and a comprehensive encounter of the young person would be implemented effectively and in the best way to promote the transition of young person’s to work life?

In the research, a statistical analysis based on register data was carried out and qualitative data collected by means of a nationwide survey and regional interviews aimed at the bodies responsible for youth services and service guidance. The study was completed in the summer of 2022.