Front page News News The role of regulation as an instrument of innovation policy should be strengthened The role of regulation as an instrument of innovation policy should be strengthened 11.5.2020 A report commissioned by the Prime Minister’s Office entitled “Innovation-friendly regulation: Current situation and good practices” has been published. The report presents the framework for innovation-friendly regulation and describes the current state of innovation-friendly regulation in Finland. In addition, good practices related to innovation-friendly regulation have been identified in Finland and internationally. In addition to the overview, the topic has been examined via three sectoral examples (platform economy, circular economy and the utilisation of health information). The conclusions of the study on the current state of innovation-friendly regulation state, among other things, that the importance of innovation-friendly regulation has been widely recognised in Finland, but in practice it has been taken into account in various ways in different administrative sectors. As concrete policy measures, the report recommends a more precise definition of the general principles and framework conditions for innovation-friendly regulation, the strengthening of inter-ministerial co-administrative co-operation, the clarification of guidelines for the evaluation of legislative proposals and the development of dialogue between authorities and companies. In addition, the report calls for the strengthening of the role of regulation as an instrument of innovation policy, for the bolder use of innovation-friendly legislative solutions (eg experiments), for greater identification and anticipation of regulatory needs and for the more effective use of advisory and enforcement practices. MDI were involved in the VN TEAS project led by 4Front, implemented as part of the Government’s 2019 study and research plan. Technopolis Group, KPMG and Tuomas Takalo (Bank of Finland / VATT) and Otto Toivanen (Aalto University) were also partners in the study. Materials Policy Brief (in English) Report Share to Share to: facebook Share to: linkedin Share to: twitter
Station areas are organic and locally driven entities News 30.11.2023 Experts from MDI and FCG have been exploring models for the development of station areas, op-portunities for EU funding and ways to projectise the development work of different types of station areas during the autumn. Read more Station areas are organic and locally driven entities
Multi-functional development of station areas News 28.11.2023 In the early autumn period, MDI and FCG worked on the development of the Asemanseutu project which is part of the project package – Vitality for Urban Regions. The work undertaken clarified the basic models for the multi-functional development of station areas, as well as providing recommendations for their development and financing. Read more Multi-functional development of station areas
Addressing the Gender and Diversity Paradoxes in Innovation — Towards a More Inclusive Policy Design News 5.4.2023 Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith Kirsi Siltanen Laura Väliniemi Implicit norms and structural disadvantages derive from previous innovation policies and therefore policies need to be redesigned. Read more Addressing the Gender and Diversity Paradoxes in Innovation — Towards a More Inclusive Policy Design