Front page News News Impact evaluations help the organisational field to develop Impact evaluations help the organisational field to develop 10.8.2021 Evaluations have been part of MDI’s services from the beginning and we have conducted a wide variety of evaluations in respect of the performance and impact of projects, programmes and organisations. We also conduct evaluations for those organisations and the parties that fund them. During the summer, work on the following evaluations has begun (see below). The first evaluation shows the impact of a training and development project on the interaction skills of mental health rehabilitators and organisational professionals The ‘Constructive Interaction in Support of Mental Health’ project is a training and development project funded by STEA that brings interaction and emotional skills to various actors in the field of mental health in the organisational world. The project is managed by Suomen Moniääniset ry. The project evaluation will determine whether the developed training has led (a) to the improvement of the socio-emotional competence of mental health rehabilitators and the impact of any improvement on their lives and well-being; and (b) to the improvement of the socio-emotional competence of workers, volunteers and experienced professionals involved in training and thus their well-being at work and in volunteering and whether their skills in supporting mental health rehabilitators have increased. The evaluation uses documentary material, a follow-up questionnaire and group interviews. The evaluation provides information on the development of interaction skills between mental health rehabilitators and professionals in organisations, as well as the means used on the organisational side of the mental health field to support it. The second study project surveys the effectiveness of investment grants related to the housing of special groups A further work to be carried out in the field of organisations is a study on the housing of special groups commissioned by the Social and Health Organisation’s Assistance Centre STEA during the autumn of 2021 which identifies the effectiveness of its investment grants to special groups. The aim of the study is to provide an overview of the field of activity in respect of state-supported housing with a particular focus on its financing. The report provides information on the Finnish field of activity related to the housing of special groups identifying the needs and starting points related to the organisation-based financing of housing for special groups. It will also look at future options for financing housing for special groups provided by social and health organisations where STEA does not assist in the acquisition of housing. The study uses the RAY / STEA database and other documentary material, expert interviews, an organisation survey, case studies and workshop work. The result of the study will take the form of a description outlining the field of activity which includes information on, among other things, special groups, actors acquiring and constructing housing for them, service providers related to housing for special groups and legislation related to housing for special groups. The results of the study will be used in the allocation of state subsidies to social and health organisations. impact evaluation Share to Share to: facebook Share to: linkedin Share to: twitter
Station areas are organic and locally driven entities News 30.11.2023 Experts from MDI and FCG have been exploring models for the development of station areas, op-portunities for EU funding and ways to projectise the development work of different types of station areas during the autumn. Read more Station areas are organic and locally driven entities
Multi-functional development of station areas News 28.11.2023 In the early autumn period, MDI and FCG worked on the development of the Asemanseutu project which is part of the project package – Vitality for Urban Regions. The work undertaken clarified the basic models for the multi-functional development of station areas, as well as providing recommendations for their development and financing. Read more Multi-functional development of station areas
Addressing the Gender and Diversity Paradoxes in Innovation — Towards a More Inclusive Policy Design News 5.4.2023 Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith Kirsi Siltanen Laura Väliniemi Implicit norms and structural disadvantages derive from previous innovation policies and therefore policies need to be redesigned. Read more Addressing the Gender and Diversity Paradoxes in Innovation — Towards a More Inclusive Policy Design