Eero Holstila

I have made a half a century career in urban development, including Head of Information Centre and Business Director at the City of Helsinki. I have participated in national urban policy formulation since the mid-1990s. I edited the book Kaupunkipolitiikan uusi aika with Timo Hämäläinen which describes the trajectory of Finnish urbanisation, defines concepts related to urban policy, describes stages of national urban policy and presents the substantive challenges of urban policy in the 2020s. In addition to being an advisor at MDI I also act as chairman of the board of the University of the Arts Helsinki.
Let’s think this together!

Holstila, E. & Hämäläinen, T. (toim.) (2019). Kaupunkipolitiikan uusi aika. Rakennustieto Oy, Helsinki. 224 s.

Kuvassa Eero Holstila.

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